Monday, October 19, 2009

Madmen Episode 10 "The Color Blue"

Blue; as in a "Blue Movie"? "Blue" as in 'sad'? A lot of new unhappy developments start unfolding.

Don is totally addicted to Suzanne now....he can't stay away. Notice how she has become more beautiful in each episode and more defined and refined. ...
She looks like a young Barbara Hershey to me, and a little remembered 40/50's actress, Jeanne Crain (whom I loved from old movies).
Now the 'trap' is sprung...she makes Don meet her 'brother' Danny. He falls right into it and helps him out, as a way to 'pay back' his real brother. Don gives him cash, and we see his 'cash stash' at home...looks like $1,000's bundled into neat stacks. (what he saved at Geico?)
I think this is a "Long Con" worthy of a Sawyer set-up; "make them think it was their idea". It's so good, I wonder if they knew about Don's real family already or are related to them.
Cliff-hanger #1..Is it real love, or is it a Con-Job?

Meanwhile, back at the S&C ranch, we get a long, seemingly pointless turn by 'beatnik' Paul. He gets a 'great idea" re. Western Union while chatting with Achilles the janitor. (to use a Greek God as a symbol? didn't FTD do that with Mercury?) He gets drunk and forgets it. We see Peggy save his ass again and show that he is very expendable. Who was that drunk that got fired last year...i already forgot?

Layne is told by the Brit Bosses that S&C is for sale after he worked so hard to make it more profitable. The news excited his homesick for London wife. Layne knows it will mean getting sent to "the Black Hole of Calcutta". I bet he bails and goes along with S&C and stays in NYC.
This sets up Cliff-hanger #2..."Who will buy Sterling & Cooper?"
Don himself is my guess. (with Connie Hilton's money, and my original prediction to become boss) Duck Co. is another good bet.

The Drapers get a mysterious phone call...before the day of robo-call ads. Who was it? Suzanne doesn't really deny it. A subtle reminder to Don "I know where you live"?
It wasn't Betty's BF? Then Betty finds the key to and opens Don's secret stash drawer. She doesn't seemed surprised by the cash, but looks threw the cigar box.
She sees the 2 sets of "Army Dog Tags" that would tell the whole story, but that doesn't seem to click for her. She looks at all the old photos of his real family. She sees the deed to the Mrs. Draper house in Long Beach (San Pedro, Ca.) and the marriage not the divorce papers(?)
Cliff-hanger #3...will Betty figure it all out, and what will she do about it? The previews show her packing to leave...I bet to go to CA to meet the 'other Mrs. Draper'.

It ends with the big party for S&C's 40th anniversary. Betty's icy-cold stare, Layne's knowing dread...all so blue. What Don says doesn't matter. He's not looking too good right now. (the still pics on the AMC site show many more shots of all the S&C'rs at the party..they seem to have been edited out of the final cut. ) ....

1 comment:

  1. What I've not seen any discussion on is that Betty puts the box well as Don's keys. After watching again, I don't think she will confront him. She confronted him immediately about his and Bobbi's affair when Jimmy told her. She's either biding her time or just going to forget it...and get revenge (her tryst with the guy at the bar in 2x13)in her own, subtle way.

    I don't think Don and Connie will buy S&C. I think we'll be introduced to new owners.

    As far as Don & Suzanne...I'm thinking con. Big time! Suzanne did deny calling her home. Don asked her and she replied no, remember?

    Anyway, best show on TV. Good review. :)
