Tuesday, March 16, 2010

American Idol- Can Crystal Win?

i haven't followed every season of AI, but have the last few, and watched the last rounds of most, so i'm far from an expert.

This young season, there is one contestant that is far above the talent level of every other:
Crystal Bowersox.

I've never gotten real involved with AI, but this girl is super special, and deserves all the support and votes she can get.

Not only is she far a better singer than any other this season, but very likely, a better talent than in almost any season. I do love Kat McVee, and look at what happened to her...2nd place! Now without a big hit, she has re-made herself into a "Kelli Pickler" so she can appeal to the C/W fans.

Good News:

1. Crystal has a distinctive and smooth melodic voice, you know it's her as soon as she starts singing, and want to hear more.

2. She has a natural bluesy style, and is a fine guitar player.

3. She has natural ability to turn a 'cover song' into her own...totally unique to her.

I can't wait to hear her do a Rolling Stones song tonight (unless it's when Lost is on)
Crystal said in her little interview that she had already picked out ALL her songs and has been practicing them..she's ready to bring it and win it. She know that hard work and practice makes one sound 'effortless'. She doesn't have 'wrong song choices' that ruin so many cont's chances.

4. The judges all LOVE her. they keep telling her "it's yours to lose".

5. As soon as i first heard her, i thought.."She's a young Melissa Ethridge, but a better singer!"
and "stop the contest...she's the clear winner!"

I must be psychic, cuz i happened to see a short bio of her. Her biggest thrill was getting to go backstage and meet Melissa after a concert. Melissa is her idol.

6. She has a great 'sob story' of singing at subway stations for spare change. She's practically homeless.

7. She IS a natural beauty...it's easy to see that about her. Just not a 'Carrie Underwood' cover-girl beauty. That may help her appeal to average teens. 'We can be her!'
If she were 'cleaned up' she'd look a lot like the actress in the "Bourne" movies, Julia Styles.

Now the "bad news": (as far as winning this thing goes)
1. Crystal is not concerned with her looks. She's dresses like a new age hippie, with blond dread-locked hair. Her comment on Melissa was "She's all about the music, not what's out here"(panning down her own body.) When was the last time you saw a not gorgeous girl hit it big vs. mediocre ones who have? (Colby Calliet comes to mind)
I think Crystal will NOT let herself be 'made over' to look like...Julia Styles.

2. She sings bluesy songs, not real popular with the young record buying public. Def'ly not hip-hop, Pop, or current Soul.

3. Not sure of her age, but seems to be mid-20's. Most recent winners have been ones who 'tween' and young teen girls can go ga-ga over, since they are be far the biggest voting block.
I can't see them going nuts for Crystal.

4. The other big voting block is Southern States. Crystal is from a small town in Ohio. Will Ohioans back her the way Taylor Hicks was?

5. The judges express their 'love' for her too much. That can hurt, esp'ly when Simon is on board. The voters LOVE to vote against Simon. They have already anointed her the winner, that could be a 'kiss of death'.

6. there ARE some 'cutesy' girls in the running that could be the next Disney Channel type Pop-Star,
i.e. Katie Stevens..she's ready to replace Demi Lovato right now..
...or Didi..a new Colby?

and there is a couple 'hunky guys', that could appeal more to young girl voters.
Casey James, the one with long blond hair and an electric guitar comes to mind so far.
Tim Urban..really his name? He's going to be signed no matter what by a C/W label.

So all in all; i be amazed and very happy if she does win. Perhaps coming in 2nd or 3rd could actually be better for her in the long run. She'd be more free to record what she wants.

I think someday soon..Melissa Ethridge will be HER biggest fan...
Crystal could record some of her songs and bring a new audience to her...and royalty checks.